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About Terapanth

Jainism & Terapanth
      Jainism is an ancient religion of India that prescribes a path of non-violence towards all living beings. Its philosophy and practice emphasize the necessity of self-effort to move the soul towards divine consciousness and liberation. Any soul that has conquered its own inner enemies and achieved the state of supreme being is called Jina (Conqueror or Victor).
      Jainism is also referred to as Shraman (self-reliant) Dharma or the religion of Nirgantha (who does not have attachments and aversions) by ancient texts.

Acharya Bhikshu felt the chaos and turmoil in the society by the various interpretations obsolete blind belief. He aliped the larger responsibility to create a strong and simple way of delivering the principles of Jainism. He established the TERAPANTH realizing it as TERA (THY) PANTH (Path).
Acharya Bhikshu laid stress on the 13 religious principles, namely,
      • Five Mahavratas (Great Vows),
      • Five Samitis (Regulations) and
      • Three Guptis (Controls or Restraints)
      This practice of regulating the entire Panth by one Acharya only has become a characteristic feature of the Terapanth and an example for emulation by other Panths. It is noteworthy that all monks and nuns of the Terapanth scrupulously follow the orders of their Acharya, preach under his guidance and carry out all religious activities in accordance with his instructions.
TERAPANTH preaches the divinity of Jainism by simplifying its philosophy and understanding. It preaches the principles of Jain under the leadership of his holiness the enlightened one, the living Guru. In the 19th century when the social disorder and anarchy increased due to warring rulers, invading foreigners and reduced educational system, a sun rised in the form of Terapanth to enlighten the future of Humanity.
• Self Control
• Self Discipline
• Perseverance
• Humanity
• Non-violence

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