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Tatva Gyaan : 25 BOL (PACHCHEES BOL)

25 BOL What is 25 BOL ? 25 BOL is a compilation of 25 different listings from Jain Agams which are fundamental learning blocks to understand the Agamic literature in detail. They are the basic items dealing in the Jain concept of Universe. The study of Jain literature becomes easy with the understanding of these 25 listings. These are compiled by Jain Acharyas for easy understanding of fundamental items Click 'Play" and then "Full Screen button" on Player Window 1. GATI 4 NARAK GATI TIRYANCH GATI MANUSHYA GATI DEV GATI There are 4 Gati in the universe. The names are given for each Gati. Gati arises due to the Naam Karma . The Jiva (Soul) keeps on moving from one Gati to another with the passage of time. 2. JATI 5 EK ENDRIYA BE INDRIYA TE INDRIYA CHOUR ENDRIYA PANCH ENDRIYA There are totally five categories of life viz from one sensed to five sensed. All the ...

आचार्य श्री महाश्रमण

Acharya Mahashraman Life Story By Mahaveer Jain Name : Acharya Shri Mahashraman Original Name : Mohan Dugar Date of Birth : 13 May 1962 Place of Birth : Sardarsahar (Rajasthan) Initiation- Date : 5th May 1974 Place : Sardarsahar (Rajasthan) Name : Muni Mudit Initiated by : Muni Shri Sumermalji (Ladnun) Guru : Acharya Shri Tulsi, Acharya Shri Designated Acharya Date : 9 May 2010 Place : Sardarshahar Patotsav Date & Place : 23 May 2010, Sardarshahar जीवन परिचय ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ राजस्थान के इतिहासिक नगर सरदारशहर में पिता झुमरमल एवं माँ नेमादेवी के घर 13 मई 1962 को जन्म लेने वाला बालक मोहन के मन में मात्र 12 वर्ष की उम्र में धार्मिक चेतना का प्रवाह फुट पड़ा एवं 5 मई 1974 को तत्कालीन आचार्य तुलसी के दिशा निर्दशानुसार मुनि श्री सुमेरमलजी "लाडनू " के हाथो बालक मोहन दीक्षित होकर जैन साधू बन गये ! धर्म परम्पराओ के अनुशार उन्हें नया नाम मिला "मुनि मुदित" ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ आज तेरापंथ धर्म संध को सूर्य से तेज लिए चाँद भरी धार्मिक,आध्यात्मिक ...

Preksha Therapy : Physical and Mental Wellness

Preksha Therapy Digestion Disorder Asana Matsyasana, Bhujangasana, Pashchimottasana, Ishta-vandana, Uttanpadassana, Pawanmuktasana, Taadasan, Shalabhasan, Ardha-Matsyasana, Vajrasana. Pranayama Anuloma-viloma Pranayama, Suryabhedi Pranayama. Eye weakness Asana Matsyasana, Singhasana, Sarvangasana. Pranayama Anuloma-viloma Pranayama, Deep breathing, Shitli Pranayama. Insomnia Asana Matsyasana, Sarvangasana, Taadasan, Relaxation. Pranayama Ujjayi Pranayama, Shitli Pranayama, Shitkari Pranayama, Suryabhedi Pranayama. Constipation Asana Matsyasana, Sarvangasana, Taadasan, Shalabhasan, Pashchimottasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Ardha-matsyendrasana, Ustrasan, Vajrasana. Pranayama Anuloma-viloma Pranayama, Deep breathing. Acidity Asana Uttanpadassana, Shalabhasan, Vajrasana(After meal) . Pranayama Shitli Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama. Joint pain Asana Pawanmuktasan, Pashchimottasana. Pranayama Deep breathing, Sukshama Bhastrika Pranayama (Concentrate y...